When Cooper was transferred to Itaborai, he moved in with two other missionaries. These other two Elders are assigned to the "other side of town" and attend another ward that meets in the same Chapel. Cooper has become great friends with Elder VW. A couple of weeks ago, Cooper told me that Elder VW's family was going to be cast in the Hill Cumorah Pageant this year and suggested that we try to find them when we go this weekend.
Well, finding ONE family in a cast of 700 with over 4000 people in attendance is no small thing. I started asking around on the first night we attended... I got a couple of leads, but nothing solid. On Saturday night, my friend Laurel B (we were Cast Team Leaders together in 2011 and her family is in the cast again this year) said that she "thought her husband knew who they were". So we tracked down Jeff B, who said that he indeed did know of a VW family and would try to bring them to us. I let Jeff know that we would be "lingering" after the show ended, just in case he had any luck.
We lingered longer- about 90 minutes after the show ended- and all of a sudden Jeff comes running up to us "I think I have found them!" He certainly had- in the very back of a box truck loading some of the 5000 chairs that are set up for the performance.
Brother VW was happy to meet us and went to find his wife. We had a great time talking about our sons and decided that they are very much alike. We imagined them having a great time together in Itaborai.
We shot this photo ( the ipad image didn't photograph well, but it's the photo of them.) I sent it to Cooper this morning and he said:
"HAHAH THATS SO AWESOME!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT ALL WORKED OUT! WE ARE BOTH FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW! p.s riley and madison mimicing my face... nice one!"
It's a really big world. But sometimes, in moments like these, it seems very, very small.
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